Women Are Like Nature!

Women Are Like Nature!

I've noticed that women are similar to nature in so many ways.

Don't you believe it? Here's the evidence!

Women are mysterious!

* women_and_nature.jpg (90.91 KB. 670x503 - viewed 8 times.)

Women are delicate!

* women_and_nature%20(2).jpg (80.13 KB. 670x467 - viewed 11 times.)

Women are unpredictable!

* women_and_nature%20(3).jpg (96.71 KB. 670x451 - viewed 9 times.)

Women are simple!

* women_and_nature%20(4).jpg (99.07 KB. 670x475 - viewed 12 times.)

Women are beautiful!

* women_and_nature%20(5).jpg (97.45 KB. 670x505 - viewed 11 times.)