Photos :: Prince Of Wales Visit InDia In 1905-06

The Royal visit to India and Burma by the Prince and Princess of Wales in 1905-1906

  King George V visited India for the first time in 1905. At that time, he was the Prince of Wales.

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The Maharaja reviewing Imperial Service troops, Gwalior India

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The Prince of Wales and the Nizam, leaving the railway station Hyderabad India

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The Prince of Wales at the garden party, Residency grounds, Peshawar Modern Pakistan

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The Prince of Wales on the roof of the Officers' Mess Landi Kotal Khyber Pass

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The Princess of Wales at the garden party. Residency Grounds, Peshawar, Modern Pakistan

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The Princess of Wales attending a Purdah Party at banqueting hall, Madras India

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The Princess of Wales talking to the Maharaja Holkar at garden party. Indore

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The Princess visiting the royal tour Jammu

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The procession entering the Palace Royal Tour Gwalior

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The Royal Highnesses in the Masjid Delhi 1905-06

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The royal party arriving at Teak-yards to watch elephants at work, Rangoon Burma

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